Monthly Archives: August 2012

We’re a little behind…

We are in the process of catching up with the blog. We have a lot of adventures to write about. Keep checking in with us!

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Badlands, Bison, and Big ol’ Presidents Carved Into a Mountain

The day started slow. We took our time eating breakfast (3$ all-you-can-eat pancakes!) and packing up camp. By the time we made it to the first trail at the Badlands the sun was already high in the sky. Fortunately, there … Continue reading

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Man, These Lands Are Bad…

The Iowa state fair was a lot of fun, but it was time to move on from the Midwest and head to the west!  South Dakota!  I didn’t know anything about South Dakota except what i learned from the movie … Continue reading

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Married for one week!

I can’t believe that the happiest day of my life was a week ago!

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Butter Cows, 1300 lb Boars, and Deep Fried Everything!

Today started rather uneventfully by waking up and driving the five hours to Des Moines Iowa, home of the Iowa state fair. Let me tell you, the Iowa State Fair was everything we could have imagined and more.  Our experience … Continue reading

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So far on our journey…

So we are officially on our honeymoon! We had a late and rocky start thanks to a certain rental car company and a certain bank, but I digress. We started our trip with a visit to Niagara Falls. I had … Continue reading

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