Author Archives: Marianna

We’re a little behind…

We are in the process of catching up with the blog. We have a lot of adventures to write about. Keep checking in with us!

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Man, These Lands Are Bad…

The Iowa state fair was a lot of fun, but it was time to move on from the Midwest and head to the west!  South Dakota!  I didn’t know anything about South Dakota except what i learned from the movie … Continue reading

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Married for one week!

I can’t believe that the happiest day of my life was a week ago!

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So far on our journey…

So we are officially on our honeymoon! We had a late and rocky start thanks to a certain rental car company and a certain bank, but I digress. We started our trip with a visit to Niagara Falls. I had … Continue reading

Posted in Honeymoon, Travel | 1 Comment